March 10, 2009

Gifts from Mother Nature

Tonight I got home from school around 8:30 or so. Jason had already put our boy to bed, but Christopher heard me come in the door so he ran down to greet me (precious!) and then excitedly tells me that he and Daddy got me a surprise, and let me show you where it is! So he walks me, while holding my hand, to the kitchen, where he retrieves a box from the counter that came in the mail. It is super lightweight and pastel pink and purple, and has NO return address. I am suspicious but Christopher is too excited for me to say no, so we go back to his bed and open "Mommy's surprise."

We finally get the box opened, and the first thing that falls out is a little red box with a gift tag on it. The tag says "Mother Nature's Monthly Gift." Uh oh. :-) So we open the box and three tampons fall out! Oh yeah, it is THAT kind of mailer.

There are also a few pads tucked in the "gift" for me, of all different sizes and absorbencies. So Christopher asks, "what is this?" and I just told him they are things that Mommy needs some times. Lucky for me, his repsonse was "OK." Every once in a blue moon, he is satisfied with an answer like that. Nine times out of ten he wants to know "why" to the 10th degree. Tonight I would have been screwed.

1 comment:

  1. Well that gift would have been more useful a few days ago for me. What a special gift.
