March 7, 2009


This last week, the "game" in our house has been for Christopher to lose the Litte Lightning McQueen and then substitute in the Big Lighting McQueen, then lose the big one as soon as he finds the small one, and on and on and on in this never ending cycle. Whichever one he has, he wants and is looking for and thus WE are looking for the other one!

This last week I have had the pleasure of looking under ALL of the couch cushions, under ALL of the furniture, you know, all of the places that a little match box car will hide so well. Oh. My. God. There was so much junk- random pieces of food including scrambled eggs, candy, candy canes, cheerios, chocolate chips, peas, you name it. All of this stuff is in our couch cushions.

Seriously, there was enough to have held us over for a few days in the event of a major emergency. Under the furniture I found 23 golf balls, five or six of my dog's tennis balls and more food. Oh, also dust bunnies that could probably take on my smaller cat. I have hardwood floors mostly throughout the house and I love them but the dust bunnies are out of control. The sucky part is that earlier in the week, when I disccovered all of this stuff, I didn't have time to do anything about it! So I had to leave it, and just know it was there. I was almost grossed out to sit on my couch. hee hee

Well finally this weekend I had the time to clean it all up, at least the couch. Still need to do battle with the bunnies in my bedroom, but I'll get to that later.

Gotta run.... I have some alone time- the boy is asleep, Jason just left for a couple hours and I need to catch up on Lipstick Jungle. :-)


  1. Yum your couch findings were making me hungry. This is a better name for a blog. Throwing Nor Cal on something always makes it cooler.

  2. Thank you! :-) One of my favorite stories about you is how you eat the miscellaneous cheerios you find when you are cleaning. hee hee
