July 19, 2011

Pita Bread Pizzas

So my friend Nicole gave me the idea for this one, and she claims that she "doesn't cook," so they are super easy and yet surprisingly satisfying.  They take about fifteen minutes from inspiration to dining, and Christopher ate a whole pizza himself one time- so they are definitely kid-friendly.  I usually follow the recipe below for my own, and then for Christopher I use pizza sauce and mozzarella.  I have never actually decorated mine as cute as the picture above, but I couldn't resist- that is so adorable!  I do usually cut up some salami for his pizzas, as sort of a convenient pepperoni.

2 rounds of pita bread, I usually go for whole wheat but any of it works
1 medium tomato, cubed and seeded (try to get most of the juice off of it)
drizzle of olive oil
oregano or dried basil
salt and pepper, to taste
optional - fresh basil (yum!) or any toppings you like

Preheat oven to 350.  Cut up tomato, add olive oil, basil and S&P.  Sprinkle tomato topping over the pita's and then place in oven (with no cheese) for about 8 minutes.  Pull them out at 8 minutes, add the cheese, and then throw it back in the oven for another 2-5 minutes.  Slice and enjoy!

PS You can also make easy pizza's out of english muffins, bagels, even toast if you are in a pinch!

PS Again - here is a picture of what they might usually look like.

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