May 31, 2011


I struggled to find a pretty picture of goulash and I don't really even think I succeeded here- BUT it did taste pretty yummy.  I think this is the sort of recipe that you can pretty much empty your pantry or fridge into- just add whatever you have on hand and it will be OK.  It was satisfying, it was nice that all the veggies and everything was in it already- and I did it with the slow cooker- always a plus.

This is also based on Grandma Squires recipe- but as I said, you can change it to whatever you have on hand.

1 lb. ground turkey, cooked
1/2 - 1 onion, chopped
1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
2 cans chili (store chili weirds me out so next time, I will add two more cans of beans plus cumin and chili powder for flavor)
1 can tomato sauce (or 1 can tomato paste plus 1/2 can of water)
1 can diced tomatoes, if you have it
frozen veggies- mixed, peas, carrots, corn, whatever you have and however much you want
fridge veggies - baby carrots, chopped, whatever else you have
3-5 potatoes, chopped sorta small
Leftover pasta on the side.* 

Put it all in the slow cooker and let it go 8-10 hours on low.  Serve with grated cheddar cheese and enjoy.  The leftovers are fabulous, but you may need to add some water. 

*You can serve this all together with the pasta mixed in, but I don't recommend putting the pasta in the slow cooker as this makes A LOT and if it stays with the leftovers, the pasta will break down and be gross. Much better to just stir it in when you are serving, IMHO.

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